Projects & Services

Discover more about our services and projects. We constantly update this page, with new projects as we develop them in collaboration with our partners and sponsors. If you are interested in services which are not listed here or would like to discuss a bespoke project, Please feel free to get in touch with us – we will be more than happy to help.

Policy Development & Implementation 

A Mental Health Policy allows you as a company to demonstrate the importance you place on staff wellbeing whether on shore or at sea and help you to become RIGHTSHIP compliant. 

Waypoint Maritime can help draft a policy or work with you to turn paper based objectives into meaningful strategies for wellbeing.   

Stress Risk Assessment 
& Recommendations

Did you know that the UK Health and Safety Executive (HSE) require all UK employers to carry out a stress risk assessment? 


The first step to addressing stressors on board is understanding what they are. 


Waypoint Maritime can help identify the stressors and risks to wellbeing within your company and recommend unique stress risk management and mitigation measures. 


Get in touch to discuss our approach



New Waypoint Maritime Courses

  • Critical Incident Crew Support CICS™
  • Stress Management and Resilience Skills

Courses may be delivered in association with ISWAN 

  • Maritime Mental Health Awareness (MMHA©)


  • Focus on wellbeing and self and peer support for all crew
  • Focus on First Response skills for Senior Officers, Bosuns and Shoreside Staff
  • Advanced MMHA: apply the skills learned in MMHA in Suicide Prevention


Bespoke Webinars and Trainings:

If you are interested in educating your team around mental health and wellbeing that is specifically designed for your context, please get in touch to discuss your needs.

Critical Incident Crew Support (CICSTM)

Does your emergency response plan include crew support?


In the immediate aftermath of a critical incident, most people will experience some reactions. Best practice guidelines (NICE) & RIGHTSHIP compliance requires a coordinated crew psychosocial support element within the security management system. 


CICS provides a unique and fully compliant solution for the maritime industry.


CICS supports your team to develop appropriate skills and knowledge to provide evidence-based crew support following a critical incident. 


CICS gives you confidence to integrate a cost effective solution for crew support into the emergency response plan whilst optimising business continuity and performance.

Crew-Mates Project

We are actively looking for an industry partner to pilot a unique and innovative approach for crew wellbeing. 


More information available on request!

Research & Evaluation

Research in the context of maritime mental health is crucial for understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals working in the maritime industry. 


Research is essential for understanding, addressing, and improving the mental health and wellbeing of individuals working in the maritime industry. 


All our projects are evidence informed; this means they are based on best practice in mental health from other sectors and industries adapted for the maritime context. We aim to evaluate every project to ensure that our interventions have tangible and domnstrable impact. Our aim is to develop effective interventions, determine what works, reduce stigma, and influence policies to create a healthier work environment for those at sea.

Clinical Services 

Accredited Mental Health Professionals you can trust

Technical Clinical Advice

When the unexpected happens technical advice from an accredited and experienced mental health professional that understand the maritime context can offer peace of mind and confidence in the actions and decisions you take. 

In a mental health crisis waypoint maritime can offer technical support to shoreside staff or the Captain to determine safe and effective course of action, support to assess risk and where needed direct mental health assessment.

Therapeutic Support

Therapy provides individuals with a safe and confidential space to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. 

Therapeutic support can enable people to resolve concerns and develop coping strategies to manage challenges they may face now and into the future.

Return to Work Assessments

Waypoint Maritime advocates parity between mental health physical health. 

The decision whether the seafarer can return to work following a leave of absence on mental health grounds rests with the company. A return to work assessment provides a sound basis on which to determine whether it is safe and possible for the seafarer to return to work from a psychological perspective.

Contact us for more information on the process.

Critical Incident Crew Support

We can work with your emergency response team to provide optimal support to crew following a critical incident on board. 

Our extensive pychosocial support experience and understanding of best pratice means that we can provide evidence based post incident support which is fully consistent with National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. 

Contact us for more details on our approach.

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All rights reserved. 

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